Hand Drawn

Finished Pieces

Drawing Live

The cornerstone of hand-drawing as a skill lies not in trial and error, but in cultivating a profound understanding. From the onset of my journey to enhance my drawing abilities, my aspiration was to achieve the capability to draw effortlessly, without relying on references or the need for trial and error. With every stroke, I aimed to make definitive decisions, eliminating the necessity for a pencil or an eraser. The linked YouTube video below showcases a series of skills that I have shared, serving as a valuable starting point for those seeking to master the art of drawing with confidence and ease.


There is an inherent beauty in the process of observing, learning, and ultimately comprehending the fundamental nature of sight. As an avid draftsman, I internalize the world in ways that are often taken for granted. Questions like “Why do people or environments appear as they do?”, “How do subjects navigate through space?”, and "What are the common qualitative observations shared among humans and how do they relate to these qualities?" have become an integral part of my thought process. Through these inquiries I have compiled a personal catalog of questions and corresponding answers.